Announcements and Schedule Updates

27 Articles


Week #4 Check-In

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Very impressed with folks’ blog posts about Contrapoints and Black Mirror! Looking forward to talking more about these ideas tomorrow, when we get to hang out together at long last!

I’ll see everyone at 5:40 tomorrow 9/17, and please remember to bring whatever notes you have about your upcoming rhetorical analysis project. We’ll be working in small groups to go over your notes and get feedback on what other questions folks want answers to RE: your chosen artifact. We will also watch a short video that practices the analytical strategies you’ll need for your own rhetorical analysis.

We’ll also be talking a bit about the rhetoric readings from a few weeks back (comic; Visual Rhetorics) as well our plans for the next chunk of the semester. Please come prepared with questions and concerns, as this is our opportunity to communicate about how things are going so far.

Bring your device if you like, but you’re welcome to use the (old/janky/slow) computers in our classroom as well.

None of this please:

classroom of students playing on cell phones while teacher looks around helplessly


RE: Rhetorical Analysis

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all–

I know you’re missing our in-person meetings (although I’m not sure I’ll even recognize you all when we *finally* come back together!), but I wanted to do a quick check-in about what y’all should be working on before our next class.

Remember on our Week #1 calendar the promise of Project #1 ??? well here we go: your Rhetorical Analysis!

This week, you’ll need to take a look at this graphic on rhetorical analysis by Dr. Carmen Kynard. You’ll need to work on your responses to these questions for your chosen artifact and be prepared to bring your notes when we meet in person on 9/17.

RE: choosing your artifact: you’ll need to choose something specific enough that you can actually examine it thoroughly in just a few pages.

For examplethe color blue is a terrible choice of artifact. Why? You can talk about the sky, Indigenous pottery, the uniforms of the New England Patriots, the ocean, etc. This topic is too broad.

Good options include:

BBHMM – Rihanna (YouTube)

This poem by Arielle Tipa

This photo:

Teen Vogue photo police at rally

This GIF:

GIF of someone applying lipstick

etc. etc. etc.

Get it



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all–

Just writing with a quick check-in.

I’ve looked through your Week #1 responses and first Labor Logs, and I’m excited! Lots of different formats and insights, and I look forward to getting responses to each of you this weekend. Stay tuned!

You should all have moved on to WEEK #2, in which you’ll have to find a short piece (text + visual element[s]) to analyze for your blog post (tag #Week2), and a couple of videos to watch.

Week #2 calendar screenshot

You have another set of labor logs due for this week as well, and I advise you all to reflect on the format you chose for LL #1 and adjust thoughtfully. If you liked your first format, go with it; if you need another set-up to convey what work you’ve done, lean into that. You’re welcome to browse your colleagues’ logs for inspiration, if you like.

I’ll also be assigning you to a semester-long writing group, with whom you’ll be collaborating, reviewing, and brainstorming for the rest of the term. In future weeks, you’ll be responding to the blog posts written by the others in your group. More details to come.

If you’re feeling as though you’ve fallen behind, just jump back in. 

Finally, as always, check. the. course. calendar.

Getting emails about where we’re meeting, why we’re not meeting, what you should be doing will remain unanswered. I teach over 50 students this term alone, and I made the course website simple and navigable so that you can find information easily. You’re smart; no helplessness allowed. 


RE: Labor Logs!

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all!

A pleasure to meet everyone last night.

Here I’ve attached two sample Labor Logs from Dr. Traci Gardner’s post (“Labor Logs”)

Sample #1: LaborLogExTable

Sample #2: LaborLogExKinds

These are both good examples of my expectations as far as level of detail and reflection are concerned.

Dr. Gardner also has an infographic about why we’re using this policy in this class.

Essentially, I’m not interested in searching for your “errors” in writing for this class. This isn’t how writing works in The Real World™ nor is it how writing should work, in my opinion and experience. We have Spell Checkers, Google Translate, Microsoft Word’s iffy grammar tool, the World Wide Web, etc. as tools we can use to address “errors” within sentences. Let’s not waste our (limited) time on minor issues. I’m way more interested in seeing how you think about ideas you’re developing and seeing what your process of inquiry looks like.

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