This week I came across an article, written in, about increasing amount of forest fires around the world (Anne-Sophie Brändlin “How climate change is increasing forest fires around the world”). Article written the way for reader to go deep into the material because of the visual elements, proving, and showing photos and graphs. There are number of links that remind us about the growing danger of wildfires across the globe. It possesses a great threat to the humanity as a whole. By reading theses one can not argue about the facts of a global problem. These problems should be addressed by environmental protection agencies, such as Greenpeace, National Wildlife Federation, National Audubon Society, etc. Article explains main reasons of why wildfires have increased over the past years, how it is linked to a climate change, and which areas are most affected by it. By the end of the article, reader might find an attached links to the associated reports, scientific concerns and studies. The Visual elements of the article, demonstrates the great devastation that wildfires bring to the environment. Author uses real photos and video records to show the impact wildfires bring to the fauna and wildlife. It reminds us how we, as human beings, and residents of this planet, can help prevent fires from expanding. Such examples could include more responsible directional approach on how we burn camp s fires, and what steps we can take to prevent an innocent camp fire to turn into a devastating catastrophe. We could educate our children to be more responsible residents, and how to use caution while using fire in open spaces. Author uses all of the rhetorical concepts into the article, Ethos – by bringing official reports and researches, Logos – by using logical arguments, Pathos – by using media examples,and Kairos – by writing the article in high season of the wildfires. With that said author achieves the main point and brings attention of the reader to the global wide awareness.