Date and time: 9/1/18, Morning, 10 AM to 12 PM
What I did: Reading Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing and “Understanding Visual Rhetoric in Digital Writing Environments”
How long I worked: 2 Hours
What kind of work I did (reading, writing, and providing my feedback): I start both readings together, and write down notes when I am reading. I personally like the first writing because it is easier to understand what the authors tried to convey to the reader. It took me half hours to finish it. However, the second writing is really not what I like, all words stick with each other and there were many pages, so I got lost since the middle of the second writing. Anyway, the two writings aren’t my favorite topic, so it was hard to make myself concentrate on reading them even I tried really hard.
Reflecting: The two writing both tried to teach the reader the importance of rhetoric is amplifying from a long time ago and now which is even more important. Rhetoric is everywhere because it is the way how we communicate with others. We need rhetoric in our daily life and also when we are going to work, it is useful to communicate with others when we face an argument or debate. The two writings provided me examples of how we should use rhetoric in a proper way.
Collaborating: Does this mean did I work alone or in a group? No.
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