<span style=”font-weight: 400;”>I believe that I was born in a very unique time when the social constructs that shaped my life had changed and evolved as I grew older. As a child, I remember the time when social media was practically non-existent in people’s lives especially compared to today. But as a college student in 2018, social media has become the dominant factor in how I view myself and others. As a child my reality was mainly constructed by copying the people at home and at school. At home, my parents were responsible for teaching me values, mannerism, interests etc. and while my family had a huge box called a computer, no one knew how to use it, much less learn from it. At elementary school, my life was simple, I had solid friendships but only with the kids in my class and my neighborhood, after all there was no way to communicate to people I couldn’t physically see. In middle school, a social media medium called “Facebook” blew up. Facebook was so revolutionary for me at the time because it allowed me to do something I couldn’t do before, which was learning about the world and other people without physically being there. Although Facebook started the molding of my reality, what really put me over the edge was Instagram. I personally started using Instagram in high school when it started to become popular. What was so important about Instagram for me was that it did something that Facebook was not able to do. Instagram, not only let me peer into the lives of my friends and people I knew, but it allowed me to be connected to people I didn’t know, most importantly celebrities. Celebrities have always been glorified and used as an example for how people should live their lives. However, Instagram gave these celebrities a medium which allowed them to show the masses what they do, say, act and dress. Especially with appearances, although I try not to conform to what the trend is and dress how I like, instagram has shaped my reality to like the trendy clothes and appearances. Social Media has become the dominating factor in constructing our reality by shaping what we think is “cool” and “desirable”. Back when I was a kid, someone 2 blocks over could be completely different from me, now, I can see someone who dresses and acts the same way as me across the country, because we follow the same celebrity on instagram.</span>