Free Write #1

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  • #111
    Velma Newton

    <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>ENG 1250 8/27</span>


    <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>I have no idea what multimodal is. The closest thing to the word that I have heard of is multimedia. Which I believe stands for a multitude of media platforms such as video and sound. I can consider myself a writer because I can’t let nobody tell me what i identify as. Even if I am not some big time successful writer, the fact that I have transferred my thoughts and ideas on to paper or more over in any form in to this world, defines me as a writer. I hope this class does not include long 6 and above page essays because I struggle deeply to write papers. Aside from my lack of skills, I just can’T get myself to be motivated to do them properly and on time. Whenever one is assigned I end up waiting till last minute and stressing myself out. I end up handing in some half *ss paper that somehow miraculously gets a semi decent grade. ANd that right there is part of the problem because in the back of my head I still know regardless of how trash and rushed my work is, somehow I will still manage to get a decent grade so there’s really no point in actually starting the essay way beforehand or trying to get properly  prepared for the assignment. This would include research, proper readings, drafts and all other stuff I seem to be unable to do. I hate writing because I don’t enjoy it. I’ve struggled for over a decade with this subject. I knew this was going to be a hassle since elementary when I got my first 3 on my report card instead of a 4 which was a hundred. I have always struggled thus far.</span>

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