Date and time: 10/28/18, Morning, 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
What I did: I wrote my project #2 paper, working on reading those articles I choose for the project, and also watched the Her movie, then I started to spend time finishing the project and also the annotated bib.
How long I worked: 5 Hours
What kind of work I did (reading, writing, and providing my feedback): I went to the database via Baruch’s library website then look for articles for my project #2. I choose three from the database, and one from the course site, and then wrote my papers and annotated bib, also going to watch Her. I think this project isn’t hard as the previous one but it just takes more time comparing to the previous project. Overall it is good because we got to learn how to do research.
Reflecting: I should work on thinking topic and time management because sometimes I mix things up and they become complicated and confusing. Like looking for the topic, I think too much so I felt got lost in the middle, and those articles are too long, so I also need to work on my reading skills.
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